Tuesday, July 15, 2008

increase loop mount devices in debian (lenny)

I use debian(flavour of linux www.debian.org). By default we can loopmount only 8 iso images. but there is a very easy way to increase it (I think max we can increase upto 256 by default). First there is no /etc/modules.conf in debian now. But all the files are split and placed inside /etc/modprobe.d . So what u have to do is simply this:
*be sure to umount any loop images u have on ur machine

$ ls /dev/loop* (will give u an idea of max mountable loop devices on ur m/c)
$ cd /etc/modprobe.d
$ cat"modprobe loop max_loop=24" > local-loop (use ur fav text editor, 24 = needed loopmount points)
$ repmode loop
$ modprobe loop
$ ls /dev/loop* (shd show an increase upto loop23 (bcoz u have chosed 24. it starts frm 0)
or u just restart the system after creating the file local-loop
*inspired from http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Debian-Jigdo/

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

recently bought dell inspiron 1525

So here is my first entry in lieu of todays fashion of blogging. As the title suggests i have dell. a gud machine to work on. And i installed debian (lenny) on it. sound, webcam, bluetooth is working. Details of setup and specs in next entry :)