Wednesday, January 7, 2009

transparent conky background in fvwm-crystal+rox-filer

As you can see from the screenshot that I have finally managed to get a transparent conky background. Here is the script in my ~/bin directory
x=`sed 's/.*">\(.*\)<.*/\1/' /home/alind/.config/ |grep '[.jpg|.png|.bmp]$'`
echo $x
sleep 20
feh --bg-scale $x
And add the following line to .fvwm-crsytal start up file

+ I Test (x /home/alind/bin/ Exec pidof /home/alind/bin/ || exec /home/alind/bin/

Only problem is that if u change background during a current session then u have to run once from command line. Else it will automatically load the new wallpaper during next startup of fvwm. I will try to automate this also. The reasons for non-transparent background of conky was some fighting b/w conky, rox-filer to draw on root-window. This makes them both draw the same pic and what u get is the illusion of transparency.

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