Thursday, March 11, 2010

anyremote : the golden bullet bluetooth remote for computers

Though I already have a remote for my laptop, but this anyremote thing is just awesome. We can use any bluetooth compatible mobiles ( ok, most of the them ) as a remote. I am using ganyremote (gui for anyremote) and blueman (gui for connecting bluetooth devices). So the process is as follows:

# apt-get install ganyremote blueman

Make sure that you can connect your mobile using blueman.

Download the appropriate java client's jar / jad file from and install it on your mobile. Now start the ganyremote and start its server (can use execute button on the ganyremote applet). And then start anyremote-client on your phone. Then search in anyremote-client for other devices and press connect to connect the computer. Voila ! I was able to control gmusicbrowser from the mobile.
Next aim is to write a config in ganyremot to be able to switch of computer remotely.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Colemak layout

Ya I know that this is after a long time. I am sorry as I was busy with some mundane tasks. So here is the news : I have switched my keyboard layout to "colemak". This saves me from RSI and promises to increase my typing speed as well. The speed factor is yet to be verified by me, but the RSI is certainly true. I followed cold turkey approach and it started showing results in 3-4 days. The biggest positive point is remapping Caps key to Backspace key, which itself reduces right pinky movement a lot. In debian it is as easy as these scripts that I am using.

#### file: ~/bin/ ####
setxkbmap us -variant colemak
xset r 66

#### file: ~/bin/ ####
setxkbmap us;
xset -r 66

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